Breathe Easy: Wildfire Smoke & You


Smoke from wildfires in forests and grasslands can be a major source of air pollution for Canadians, especially between the months of April and October.

It is difficult to predict when wildfires will occur, how big they will be, and how much smoke they will generate. We do know that smoke can be carried hundreds or even thousands of kilometres, so your health can be impacted, even if you live far away from an active fire. In fact, exposure to the smoke from wildfires s can have lasting health impacts.

With a changing climate, the number and severity of wildfires are expected to increase. Pay attention to the Air Quality Health Index and special air quality statements in your community, and frequently check in on neighbours, friends, and older family members, especially those who are chronically ill.

Check out the guide to learn how to protect yourself and your family.


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Zero Emissions Vehicle Infrastructure Program: Fleets